Miss Peach

Name: Miss Maybelle Peach
Date of Birth: 24th March, 1924 (age 25)
Place of Birth: United States of America
Current Occupation: Unemployed; aspiring actress/singer
Marital/Relationship Status: Committed relationship with Colonel Mustard

The angelic Maybelle Peach was born and raised in Georgia, USA, dreaming of a life of Hollywood and fame. At the age of twenty two, she earned herself a job as a jazz singer for a local club. Whilst performing for a particular group of military soldiers one night, the able Colonel Mustard became immediately fascinated with her. Before she knew it, the two had fallen in love and by the time he had to return to England, he surprisingly proposed that she join him. Apprehensively, she accepted and now lives with him at the quaint Acorn Lodge in Milton-on-Hyde.

Lonely and bored with the tedious village life, Maybelle has secretly grown rebellious against this all too perfect lifestyle. Instead of performing for her adouring fans, she finds herself stuck in a measly lodge house and walking to nowhere upon the small amount of lanes in Milton-on-Hyde. She seems to constantly be searching for excitement or anything to break the mold of her mundane life. Of course, she would never admit this, as she is merely seen as poor, fragile old Miss Peach.

What would she do to free herself from her boredom? And what exactly is it that she wants? Even she seems to be unsure.